Presentation on Holiness
Presentacion sobre la Santidad
Holiness is not just for the canonized, beatified, venerable and those with the title of Servant of God. In Conchita “A Mother’s Spiritual Diary” Blessed Conchita writes about her personal conversations she has with God. In one of her accounts she mentions how God told her “I want to make of you a saint known to Me alone. (Diary, April, 1895). God also lets Blessed Conchita know that “Each soul bears its own mission on earth.”
If God has a mission for each and every soul we can all attain holiness. If we believe that humans are “the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake” and that “From his conception, he is destined for eternal beatitude” then every single one of us is called to holiness. God has called each and every one of us to holiness in our own way. St. Anthony Mary Claret said “Our Lord has created persons for all states in life, and in all of them we see people who achieved sanctity by fulfilling their obligations well.”
In Gaudete et Exsultate Pope Francis states that “We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love and by bearing witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves. Are you called to the consecrated life? Be holy by living out your commitment with joy. Are you married? Be holy by loving and caring for your husband or wife, as Christ does for the Church. Do you work for a living? Be holy by laboring with integrity and skill in the service of your brothers and sisters. Are you a parent or grandparent? Be holy by patiently teaching the little ones how to follow Jesus. Are you in a position of authority? Be holy by working for the common good and renouncing personal gain.”
Our Patron St. Vincent De Paul, like many other saints attained holiness by simply focusing on the Works of Mercy. We to can obtain holiness by listening to God’s voice and letting the Spirit lead us to which of the Works of Mercy each one of us should focus on every year. Everyone from the youngest to the oldest member of our congregation has a very special mission in life and can use the works of mercy to attain holiness. Whether our mission is bringing joy to someone’s heart with a mere smile to comforting someone that is taking their last breath. Whether our mission is beautifying our church and the grounds by being a member of the Altar Society or volunteering to work on the Marian Garden, or working to keep our community feed and clothed while volunteering with the Friendship House. Whether our mission is bringing the Eucharist to the parishioners who cannot attend Mass or by helping parishioners learn about God by walking in faith with them. Whether our mission to spread discipleship and evangelize by making rosaries for the less fortunate or proclaiming the Word of God or even if our mission is just to simply pray for all our parishioners each of us are growing in Holiness.
Fr. Hugo during one of his homilies asked people in attendance to raise their hands if they were holy and he seemed amazed that not even one person raised their hand. After Mass I told him that maybe he should have phrased his questions differently by asking how many of you are saints in training or by asking how many of you are working on being holy. When I got home, I thought about his question, and realized that some of the parishioners just went to confession, and that at that moment when asked, some were truly holy. During that week his homily kept coming to mind and I started to think about when people are holy. Baptism we become holy in God, after we sin we go to confession and we become holy again, after receiving the Eucharist we have Christ within us and if we receive Him in the correct way we should all be united by his holiness. In our imperfection God is still working in us and we should all be working on growing in our holiness.
Other Sources:
"On the Call to Holiness" by Pope Francis
"Three Paths to Holiness" by Bishop Robert Barron
"Llamado a la santidad: aplicación de las 5 actitudes espirituales en su parroquia"