Schedule to donate blood at, and search for "St. Vincent de Paul" on February 9th. For more information, you mall call Janet Cortez-Nichols at 210-992-2978. Donors will receive two Santikos movie tickets, a 30 minute game card, $15 off bowling, and $5 off popcorn and a drink. See bulletin for more details. Programe una donación de sangre en y busque "St. Vincent de Paul" el 9 de febrero. Para obtener más información, puede llamar a Janet Cortez-Nichols al 210-992-2978. Los donantes recibirán dos entradas para el cine Santikos, una tarjeta de juego de 30 minutos, $15 de descuento en bolos y $5 de descuento en palomitas de maíz y una bebida. Consulte el boletín para obtener más detalles.
If you are 18 years old or older, and haven't received the Sacrament of Confirmation yet, please consider registering for classes to receive Confirmation. Classes will begin March 17th, but you need to register in advance. Please call Yolanda Rodriguez at 210-987-3387 to register.
Did you know that marriage is a vocation? World Marriage Day is Sunday, February 29th. The Church celebrates this day to promote and support marriage and family, to honor the sanctity of marriage, and to recognize the importance of marriage in the Church. Married couples will be honored and recognized at all Masses this weekend. ¿Sabías que el matrimonio es una vocación? El domingo 29 de febrero se celebra el Día Mundial del Matrimonio. La Iglesia celebra este día para promover y apoyar el matrimonio y la familia, honrar la santidad del matrimonio y reconocer la importancia del matrimonio en la Iglesia. Las parejas casadas serán honradas y reconocidas en todas las misas de este fin de semana.
The SVDP Rosary Guild will be changing their monthly meeting date to the 2nd Monday of each month. This will be effective starting on Monday, February 10th. Please join us at 7 PM in room 4 of the parish center. We make cord and wire rosaries to distribute to missionaries around the world. For more information, call Bill or Patsy Schiebel at 210-673-6059, or Alicia Carrizales at 210-274-7822.
+Anita Kosienski/+Enrique Barrientos/+Adelina Gallegos Montero/+Janie A. Reyes/+Froylan Ruiz Vargas/+Stella Ann Alvarado/+Raul Maldonado/†Guadalupe Peralta/+Margaret Dupuis/+Elva Christiansen/+Frederick Mound/†Marcelino Molina, Jr./+Edward Robert Welch/+Gloria Clestino/+Arthur Villarreal/+Linda Luna/+Adolfo Lopez/†Richard O'Connor/†Alfredo Rangel/†Melvin Joseph White/†Lucy Garcia/†Sylvano Garcia/†Melissa Ann Cirilo/†Gerald Holloway/†Rosalie Cisneros/†Clifford Ray Salas, Jr./†George Cevallos/†Richard Stemple Sr./†Edward Escobedo
Welcome to St. Vincent de Paul Parish
"We should strive to keep our hearts open to the sufferings...of other people and pray continually that God may grant us that spirit of compassion which is truly the spirit of God"
- St. Vincent de Paul