There will be different food plates available for purchase for $12. Loteria cards are $3 per card per game. Platillos diferentes $12 por platillo. Loteria $3 por carta por juego.
Attention all church volunteers: we will have a bilingual Mass at 6:30 PM, followed by a potluck in the parish center. Email the office or call Blanca to let us know what you are bringing. Atencion a todos los coluntarios de la iglesia: Tenremos una misa bilingue a las 6:30 PM, seguido de una comida compartida en el centro parroquial. Envie un correo electronico a la oficina para informarnos que traera.
Live Music-Food-Beer-Games-Loteria-Clown **RAFFLE OF 12 AMAZING PRIZES**Call 210-674-1200 to purchase your raffle ticket, or see a ministry volunteer! Volunteers are needed! Please call Josie Dobroski at 210-787-4159 if you can help!
Only $30! This 440 page book with beautiful photographs documents the 300 year history of our Archdiocese. Available after all weekend Masses and in the church office. The book is available in English or Spanish.
Maria Guadalupe Morales / + Remedios Garcia / + Estafana Rordriguez / + David Chavez
+ Richard Alba / + Maria E. Cantu / + Mary Alice Ybarra / + Doris Metzger / + Phyllis O. Saenz / + Kipp Lubow / + Irene G. Alfaro / + Teresa B. Lopez / + Elva L. Biediger
+ Glen George / + Felix Salinas Jr. / + Ramon Garza / + Juan Mendiola /
+ Felix Alejandro Rios / + Luis Charles / + Adela S. Pineda / + Felix Alejandro Rios + Luis Charles, Jr. / + Juan M. Mendiola Jr. / +Isidro Martinez / +Daniel Romero
+Winfred Wingo / +Barbara Ann O'Connor / +Florence Willems Kittell / +Henry G. Karpf /
+Johnny Ruiz Jr. / +Angelita Soto / +Natalie Wilson / +Jesus S. Fernandez, Jr. /
+Valerie Anne Lake-Webb / +Jose L. Martinez / +Estela Detrich / +Maria L. Cortez /
+Ricard Allen Hendricks / +Dominic Mandato / +James Stuckey / +Raymond Jean DeShambo, Jr. / +Mary Overton / +Martin Mora / +Jean Glod / +Pauline Garcia / +Guillermo (Bill) Cano /
+Barbara Jean Collins/+Eddie Dreamkowski / +Maria Guerra/+Sabrina Henry Siros/
+Rafael Hernandez / +Julio Aguilar / +Dalia Guzman / + Aurelia Contreras / + Barbara Jean Collins / +Dalia Guzman / +Miguel Cortez Jr. / +Julio Aguilar / +Aurelia Contreras / +Berta Mound /
+ Melchor Edmund Barrientes / +Eloisa G. Camacho/+Floyd Fazi/+Rachel Hernandez/+Ryan A. Nichols/ +Mary Ramos / +Maria O. Flores / +Jesse Cantu Aleman / +Paulita O. Longoria /
+Ricardo Albert Sanchez / +Rudy Hernandez/+Francisco Luna/+Destiny Gonzalez/+Arthur Terrazas/+Paulita Sandoval Evans/+Mary Maziek/+George Carlo Satornino/+Carmen Espinoza Guerrero/+Andrew (Andy) Belko/+Anthony (Tony) Santacroce/+Arthur Castanon/+Jose Molinar/+Ana Maria Dominguez/+Armelina Valdez/+Desiderio Gallegos/+Maria Fernandez Greene/+Carmela E. Medina/+Juan R. Soto/+Able Cortez/+Maria Escalera/+John Lara/+Maria Alicia Martinez Garza/+Charles Vasquez/+Carlos Medellin/+Anita Kosienski/+Jamie Miller/+Enrique Barrientos/+Adelina Gallegos Montero/+Janie A. Reyes/+Froylan Ruiz Vargas/+Stella Ann Alvarado/+Raul Maldonado/+Margaret Dupuis/+Elva Christiansen/+Frederick Mound/+Gloria Clestino/+Adolfo Lopez/+Linda Luna/+Arthur Villarreal/+Edward Robert Welch
Welcome to St. Vincent de Paul Parish
"We should strive to keep our hearts open to the sufferings...of other people and pray continually that God may grant us that spirit of compassion which is truly the spirit of God"
- St. Vincent de Paul